25 September 2006

Graveyards and Pirates..

Another fun filled weekend in the Northwest comes to and end..

Dan and I decided that Alex needed to get out of the house and away from Chadrik so we took her geocaching Saturday. We found two multi-caches (WaSucally: Dougan Falls and Wonder Park) that were located about 20 miles from my house and required some walking through the woods and bushes. (The above pic is of Dan counting the green posts at Dougan Falls)

Wonder Park was quite reminiscent of The Blair Witch, and Dan kept running into spider webs and threatening to "scream like a girl". All went well until we replaced the cache and headed back toward the car.. Alex was suddenly gone.. We called and called her, but she had just vanished.. After about 15 minutes of frustration my phone rang. A guy said he was up by the road and had found her at the car.. Guess she was all geocached out..

On Sunday my friend Brijin and I went to see the Lynx which was in town for the Portland Pirate Festival. We'd wanted to go to it on Saturday, but she had to work. We were kind of disappointed that the sails weren't up, but we got to go onboard and look around. It was kind of cool.. Next year we'll definitely make it to the festival.. (Happy belated Talk Like a Pirate Day to Tif-do!! Sorry I forgot to tell you that last week..)

After I explained to Brijin what geocaching was, she became obsessed!! So last night, before I had to go to work, she came over and she, Dan, and I went to see what we could find.. It was a lot of fun wandering around in the dark, though we learned the hard way that we're gonna need to take more than one working flashlight.. The first one I picked to find took us to an old, creepy graveyard where we had to find out when various people had been born..

After that we went to one that led us down a dark path through the woods..

We didn't take Alex with us, but she got to pose with the Superman Travel Bug that we found at the third cache (not that she was too happy about having it hung from her collar). I'm sure we'll take it out and deposit somewhere this weekend.. Got to get out and enjoy this absolutely perfect weather while it lasts..

21 September 2006

It's a Boy!!

So, my friend Kris was walking in her back yard, no doubt feeding the stray cats or filling her bird feeder, when she sees this little white thing walking through the grass.. She tries to ignore it, but couldn't.. Then she figured it would run away when she tried to catch it, and it didn't.. Of course she called me to tell me about her find, asked if I knew of anyone who might want it, and told me that I would have to stop by her work to see it..

Like Trevor before him, he has come to live with me by way of Kris's backyard.. His name is Chadrik, and the vet says he's 4 weeks old. I'm not too overly fond of white cats, but he's got great blue eyes and his ears and tail are orange.. As Dan said when I brought him home, he's a keeper..

Of course, Alex would probably disagree.. Posted by Picasa

07 September 2006

Almost Finished..

If you've ever watched the TV show, "While you were out", then you know what life was like around here this morning.. Dan and are both completely exhausted!! But, with the exception of the sink hookups, we got it done..

Though, now that I put these pics up, I see that we should have wiped up the dust on the floor with a wet cloth.. I'll put that on my list of stuff to do...... LATER....

Goodbye Scary Bathroom : Part 8

Between my back having a malfunction and Dan taking two days off to deal with some personal issues, the bathroom was in great jeopardy of not being finished.. In fact yesterday morning only half the walls were primed, none of the cabinets were in, and the whole thing looked down right hopeless... But thanks to Dan and a couple of my friends who stopped by yesterday to lend a hand for a bit, it might be almost done when my mom and g'ma arrive in 5 hours.

Granted, I got three hours of sleep yesterday morning and have been up now for 20+ hours, and Dan was up at 2:30 this morning when I got home finishing up the paint (he was practically sleep painting. his hair all standing up and looking like he hasn't slept in weeks).. He'd promised to finish it while I was at work, but he took a long nap instead.

It's all coming together nicely.. As soon as we get the paint touched up and pull up the drop cloth and put the ceiling light in, it should look pretty damn good (if I do say myself..). The only thing I question is the hooking up of the sink.. That might have to wait until later this evening.. My back is protesting the idea of spending that much time hunched over under the sink while I try to hook everything up..

But for now, it's time for a two hour power nap on the couch.. No point in going downstairs to my bed.. I wouldn't want to get too comfortable.. I might not get back up..

04 September 2006

Bathroom: Construction on Hold..

So there I was. Out in the back yard putting the garbage out in the alley, when I decided to grab my handy rechargeable saw and trim the tree back a bit so I wouldn't have to duck around it whenever I walked through the yard.. Things went well and it was looking not so much like a jungle out there, so I called it good and went inside..

A few minutes later, I'm in on the couch, swearing I'm about to die from the pain in my lower back, unable to move without misery.. I've no idea what I did to it, but I've spent all day on a heating pad thinking about how miserable life is going to be when I have to go into work tonight..

Will the bathroom be finished by Thursday?.. Honestly, it's not looking good......