27 July 2007

Hanging with G'ma

After the huge amount of guilt I got after LVH's email and reading Leaner's and Dacheese's blogs today, I looked back over my own blog and realized that I never posted pictures of G'ma and I, when LVH brought her up to visit last fall.. Must be that I was waiting for LVH to post about their trip, and it never got done.. ;)

I really haven't much to say, I just wanted to put these pics up.. I'll be sure to call her sometime this weekend, but would someone down there please give her a hug for me?

08 July 2007

14 Minutes to Spare

12:04 AM, munchie fueled ramblings....

I was sitting on the couch flipping channels, watching both Mad TV and SNL when I got the craving for something.. Don't you just hate that??? Remembering that I didn't have any veggies with my lunch today, I knew that's what I needed.

Being as there is currently NO veggies in my house (No excuse for this since I have an entire freezer in my basement that should be stocked with food), I hop in the auto and, still in my pj's, drive to the store.. Into my basket I put two bags of organic frozen broccoli, just the thing that would quell my munchies.. But as I walked through the frozen food isle, I couldn't help myself.... Sometimes I just have to get a bag of fish sticks! Not fish fillets, mind you, but those minced up, not really fish sticks like they used to serve at school!!

And in 14 minutes they will be done. Nice and crisp.. And I will be back on the couch, minus the munchies...

So, I ask you.. What is that less than good for you, irrational thing that you sometimes just have to buy (even if it's in the middle of the night when no one can see you)????

(And yes, the broccoli is in the microwave)