Cooking: The good and the not so much..
Trying to keep to a budget, CAT and I have been eating almost exclusively at home.. Something that has been slightly more difficult as of late, being as we are short an appliance. Last weekend CAT put some reruns (aka leftovers) in the microwave, pushed a couple buttons, and the heretofore dependable machine said, "I Quit!" I couldn't complain really, given the fact that I'd had it for 17 and a half years, at least 5 of that it had lived with my brother.. Knowing that I'd spend way too much money if I just ran to the store to get another one, I got online and actually shopped around.. I found one at Lowe's that would work perfectly for my needs, and it was only $60 bucks. Only downside was that it won't arrive until sometime next week.
Last night we attempted to make sushi. It was quite funny. Those little suckers are not easy to roll. My first try left us both laughing, and me about to give up.
But, by the time I rolled the 4th one I was a pro.. Ok, maybe not, but we could at least eat them with chopsticks..
And even when they weren't pretty, they were edible.. We learned a lot by making them ourselves. IE, it may take a while before we find a brand of Nori that we like, and, though we sometimes have sushi that has sprouts at the restaurant, they must not be alfalfa sprouts. The alfalfa sprouts overpowered everything in the rolls we added them to and wasn't so good..
And, before anyone questions our sanity, we did not use any seafood that wasn't cooked, only cooked scallops, shrimp, and smoked salmon.. We'll leave the raw stuff to the professionals..