22 February 2006

The Worth of Friends

Over the past few months I've had more than my share of moments where I've doubted the point of having friends. But just when I lose all faith in people, something always happens that makes it all worth it. As it did yesterday.

Having given up trying to sleep, I was on the computer when I heard someone at the front door. I opened it to find the mailman holding a box that had seen a better day. I glanced at the name of the sender and then grabbed a knife to see what treasures were inside. There were several CD's, some chocolate, and a few random mementos from my friend who is in Belgium. I was halfway through the enclosed postcard when I realized it wasn't from my friend, but instead from her mother. My friend had intended to send these items to me while she was home on Christmas break but, as she keeps a schedule at least twice as busy as anyone I've ever known, she hadn't found the time. (And to be completely honest, I was being momentarily "difficult" and so she had just reason to spend her time off doing other tasks)..

I immediately got online and sent her a thank you note. Then proceeded to sample the chocolate, browse through the CD's, and read the campus newsletter from her university.. Later, I caught her online and, as we filled each other in on recent happenings in our separate worlds, we had to laugh. You see, every now and again I receive unexpected things in the mail that bring a smile to my face, more often than not from my mom, but this was to be the first time I received something that the sender hadn't been aware she'd sent.. Her mom had totally taken it upon herself to compile the things she knew my friend had intended me to have, and sent them off without even mentioning it to my friend. Not only had her mom brightened my day, but she'd brightened hers as well..

As I spent the rest of the day thankful for the smile that remained on my face, I was also comforted by the knowledge that I have some really wonderful friends.

There's C, who has entrusted me with the label of "Best Friend". She lives locally and always keeps an eye on me. We've had many memorable times together, and she ensures that I never spend a holiday alone. Such an honor it was for me to stand beside her as "Best woman" in her and her girlfriend's commitment ceremony.

There's E, my above mentioned friend who is attending grad school in Belgium. Besides a demanding class schedule, she also works at the embassy, is in constant marathon training, and keeps a busy social life. And yet, she somehow finds time for me. She believes in me so much that she makes me believe in myself. Her encouragement means more to me than she'll ever know.

There's D, who I can always count on. We spent 4 years together, so some of you may remember her. While our relationship may have not worked out, we have developed a friendship that continues to amaze me. A few weeks ago she returned to the Vancouver area for 3 days to visit and take care of some business. During that time we did little but work on my house, at her insistence. She was determined to make me finish something. Now my dining room and entry way look great. She's threatening to return soon, with her girlfriend in tow, and help me tackle the bathroom. A visit I will certainly look forward to.. (side note: that hideous wallpaper was in the room I use for storage.)

And there's H, a truly lifelong friend. Though she lives in AZ and, therefore, we don't get to see each other as often as I'd like to, she's been the "big sister" and anchor in my life. Always there to listen to me, voice her opinion, and love me unconditionally. And, if you ask me, anyone who has willingly put up with my crap for almost 24 years deserves some sort of medal...

As the years go by, I will certainly cross paths with those who will challenge the faith I have in people, but should I have to endure the disappointment caused by even a hundred of these people, then so be it. Because, every now and again, someone comes along who makes it all worth while..


Blogger abeNanna said...

Funny how some people come into our lives for such a short time and yet they can make a lasting impression. They might come at just the right time when we need someone and they are there. Others are with us always and put up with us regardless of how we act even when we don't deserve it. My best friend came into my life because her son and our son were such good friends. We have been there for each other through more than either of us could have handled alone and I am so glad that we have developed this great love for each other. Family and friends- don't know what we would do without them.

2/22/2006 6:28 PM

Blogger lvh said...

E was really nice, I'm sorry that we didn't get to spend more time with her the weekend I was out there. It was very thoughtful of her mother to send those items to you. And I'm glad D got you working on that house -- did you really paint over the wall paper with gray paint? Can't wait till September to see what you've done to that place. Take care.

2/23/2006 5:41 AM

Blogger TLC said...

I was such a breath of fresh air to read your post and think that you are surrounded by loving kind souls. I often think of this friend of yours and wish him ill - not so much anymore because I know vengence is not mine or yours but God's. So, i have turned my thinking around - it is my hope that how ever much he has done you wrong be multiplied in your friendships and day to day people you encounter to brighten your days from here to eternity. I know multiplying your money would be good too, but you are the type of person that money does no good and you would rather give it away to others than have it for yourself. So, i hope you are blessed w/ many kindred spirits and everyday you see how beautiful humans can be when they are organic and true. I love you and I am so happy to see you walking on air!

2/23/2006 12:21 PM

Blogger Elise said...

I know we have a huge age difference in our cousin relationship, but there are so many things we have in common. the depression thing has been weighing on my mind. I am lazy, fat and I just have the hardest time getting up. I know motherhood is one of the most important jobs there is, so why do I feel like I am doing nothing for this silly world. It sounds so silly but being a cubscout leader (lame) is the only thing that gets me off my butt every week.
As for friends, when I got married and had a child, I kinda got disowned and got too "old" for them. Every now and then a long lost friend appears and reminds me that everything is worth it. (thanks SP)
Wow, I wish we lived closer to each other. I would love to tackle a house to remodle. I hear one of my brothers may be visiting you soon. I am soooo jealous, I miss your company (and the rain :) )

2/23/2006 2:06 PM


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